Indeed, if I don’t say something now, the season may end without anyone being any the wiser. And though that wouldn’t bother them, it sure as hell would bother me. But what do I know, I’m just a man.
The Amazons are a fierce, proud and yes, arrogant race. Most of the trash talk and gender degradation that goes on within the league is well beneath their notice. In their home land it is they who wear the pants, so to speak. ‘In actuality they wear very little. And the few men folk wear even less.’
A male in their land is to be seen, (working hard, pampering the ‘Lords’, or just for pure arousal sake), and not to be heard.

It is in my opinion that the mindless, soulless, waxiness, excuse for womanhood that’s been peddled in recent time is indicative of the insecurities the modern Blood Bowl players carry deep within.
Perhaps they weren’t breast fed, or loved enough as children. Perhaps those cunning and sly Vampires that are parading around as if they are the all round good guy’s have the week minded men of Friday Night Fight’s under their hypnotic spell.
I’d like to think, as Refined (soft) and cultured (fragile) as the Elven kind appear to be, that their women folk, (Witch Elves, War Dancers, etc.) are keeping their men folk in line. I’m confidant in the women of the Dark Elf house to keep things in order. Though the ‘Lords’ thought it strange it took so long for a true leader to make an appearance on the team?
As for the Amazons performance on the field, they fully acknowledge that it hasn’t been up to standard. They are always Woman enough to admit when they can do better. In actuality their defence is quite good. It is their ability to promote the ball into their opponents End Zone that has their fans asking questions. Briefly, before remembering that, ‘Who cares, It’s the Amazons‘.
And though they won’t complain about “this going wrong, or that shouldn’t have happened” like your typical insecure, male dominated line up. It is quite obvious, even to the casual observer, that when a team sporting the ’Dodge’ skill across the board, and now with 8 out of 13 players also with ’Block’, is suffering an acute ’Biff’ against, lady luck is either a little Jealous of the ’Lords’ or has been hypnotised by one of those pesky vampires.
But a quick look across at their long left behind cousins gives them a little pleasure in the whole scenario.
Perhaps one of the flaws in the Amazons game is their insatiable appetite for destruction. For, despite not being overtly obvious, it is the Luscious Lords who lead the competition in Casualties caused, with 21 so far this season. And as a worthy side note, 3 of those were Deaths. The most prised being a Mummy belonging to an inconsolable Necroped’s team.
The Blitzer ’Mystic Mirror Embrace’ being the spear head with 4, leaving 17 for rest of the team, demonstrating that it’s not just one or two women hell bent on destruction, but the whole damn team.
And though the ‘Lords’ would never make such utterances, I will. How could any Blood Bowl player in their right mind think an ’Enthralled’ Waxen figurine could some how be more exciting, attractive and desirable than a woman playing Blood Bowl? Breaking a Beastman's collar bone, Ko’ing an Elven catcher about to score a TD, Killing a Mummy with her bare white knuckles. Getting smashed down, only to get up and do it all again. Having her neck snapped, only for the Apothecary to fix it up and running onto the field the very next drive. Not to mention the passing, dodging, running.
Can there possibly be anything more exciting and seductive than an Amazon Blood Bowl team in action? I think not.
ZenThaalX, the happiest coach in Blood Bowl.
P.S. The ‘Lords’ are gonna punish me something fierce when they read this.
(Axebreaker on behalf of ZenThaalX)
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