Current Standings

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dark Elves: 0-2

The Har Ganeth Blades have yet to catch a break and remain on zero competition points after a heart-breaking loss to RUN Danger Mouse Club on the weekend.

Unlike last week, the Dark Elves played quite well - with very little of the fumbling, falling over and bad decisions that did so much to cost them the game in Round 1. In fact, throughout the first half, it was the Skaven that experienced real difficulty in the basic skills of the game - injuring themselves in poor Blocks and failed Dodges, and dropping several passes. All of which enabled the Dark Elves to begin the second half with a 1-0 lead.

But the vissitudes of fate shifted dramatically and decisively in the second half with the three Skaven Kick-Offs resulting in Blitz, Blitz and Perfect Defence that - along with a Stall - effectively shut the Blades out of the game and allowed the Skaven to run in two unanswered Touch Downs and take the win.

Tune into Cabalvision to watch a full replay of the match.

The FNF Administrators, however, must really love watching the misfortune of this Dark Elf team because, once again, the Blades were paid the maximum appearance fee - 70,000 gp.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inducements: What Your Money Can Buy

The House of Axebreaker is pleased to present the second part of our guide to the what's available for purchase or hire before a FNF match.

A handy resource for all those Coaches who find themselves, for good or ill, with plenty of money to spend at the start of their next game.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

FNF Round 1 - Plenty of Action So Far

Hi there Blood Bowl fans,

The first round of FNF Season VI has been completed - and what a round!!

If there is one word that describes the opening matches - it's carnage! There were something like seventeen casualties inflicted this week - including four Deaths and amazing number of Serious Injuries! Several of the matches, and quite a few of the casualties, can be viewed by tuning into Cabalvision!

As measure of the growing reputation and standing of the Friday Night Fights league - this season our weekly highlights will be presented by those two Blood Bowl legends: Jim Johnson and Bob Bifford!

Friday, October 28, 2011

SNS Rd 3: Stunty Season Heads Towards the Final

After three fun-filled rounds - Saturday Night Stunties has concluded the regular the season and now moves on to the final contest for the (slightly) prestigious 'Speccy' McGroan Cup.

Two Goblin teams - The Lowdown Ladz and the Brusier Boyz have emerged undefeated and will fight it out for the Stunty crown!

This week former Chaos All-Stars player - Zip the Snoting* is with us to present some highlights from all the great Stunty action available on Cabalvision.

*Did You Know: Zip the Snotling once consented to be sewn inside a football by the Chaos All-Stars for a vital play-off match against the Vynheim Valkyries. At an opportune moment Zip was hurled down the field. He pushed his legs free and scampered into the End Zone. Sadly the Touchdown was disallowed, it being ruled that a player must be holding the football, rather than being held in it, to score a touchdown!

Your Guide to the Stars

The House of Axebreaker is pleased present the following guide to the stable of Star Players available in the Friday Night Fights league.

The ideal reference for those Coaches who find themselves with piles of Inducement Cash to splash about on some high priced talent.

We will be following this up in the near future with a reference guide for all the other goods and services available for FNF matches - available, that is, to those Coaches with plenty of money!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dark Elf Shocker

The first match of Season VI is one the Dark Elves of the Har Ganeth Blades would rather forget as they they were thrashed by the in-form Lizard Skizards.

It was a game where very little seemed to go right for the Blades. As they stumbled around the field, falling over and fumbling the ball - the Skizards' skinks whisked by - running in three Touch Downs to one. Tune in to Cabalvision to catch a full replay of the match!

The only saving grace was the fact that Dark Elves were paid the maximum appearance fee of 60,000gp - enabling them to purchase an Apothecary for next week's game.

Well done to Ben - he played a great game and took maximum advantage of the characteristics of his new team. Now he's stopped wasting his time on Orcs, I reckon his Lizards will be a team watch this season :)

(aka Axebreaker)

SNS Rd 2: More Stunty Mayhem

Hi there Fans of the "Small" Game,

Round 2 of Saturday Night Stunties is complete - and, as we've come to expect, there was plenty of hilarious and unlikely action. With just one round remaining, two teams - the Bruiser Boyz and the Lowdown Ladz have emerged as the teams to beat. But can they sustain their form and luck for a third week in a row?

Check out the games on Cabalvision - you won't regret it. Star Player Scrappa Sorehead has agreed to present just a small taste of the excitement of Stunties Blood Bowl!!

SNS - Brought to you by the House of Axebreaker

Friday, October 21, 2011

New From the House of Axebreaker

To celebrate the start of Season VI the House of Axebreaker has released this fantastic poster containing the details of the the teams, Coaches and logos of the coming season. A great souvenir and handy memoir for Season VI!


Thursday, October 20, 2011


Tiny Manero is once again dancing up a storm - and that can mean only one thing!

The Start of Another Season of FNF Blood Bowl

Yes , sports fans, we are about to commence Season VI of the Friday Night Fights. All the teams are in - the draw has been generated - now the only thing that remains is to start playing games.

So, gentleman, start your teams - and have a great season!!

Round 1

Morgue Machine (Drakeular) v The Erengrad Easybeats (Justorius)

RUN Danger Mouse Club (Big A) v Uruks Ho! (Jernau Morat Gurgeh)

Traitors of Valhalla (shol va) v The Disease of Drakenmoor (Beldenox)

Passing Fancy (Supercoach) v Heff's Hotshots (Zelithian)

Lizard Skizards (kornes killers) v Har Ganeth Blades (Axebreaker)

Turner Chainsaw Massacre (AhrimanOrmuzd) v The Fluffy Pussy Cats (toldorn)

Marrowdale Mountain Men (Givo) v Spirit Dragon Sky Masters (Zenthaalx)

Roll-over: Ideally I'd like to complete round by next Friday - but as this the first week and it has not possible been able to arrange games before now - there will be a degree of flexibility with this :)

(aka Axebreaker)

SNS Rd 1: Stuntie Action Aplenty

Greetings Stuntie Fans,

A fantastic first round has been completed in the Saturday Night Stunties - with everything you'd expect: Deaths, Secret Weapoons, Casualties, more Secret Weapons, little guys tossed through the air and yet more Secret Weapons!!

All the Round 1 games are now showing on Cabal Vision so if haven't already tuned into to watch the SNS 'Speccy' McGroan Cup - you should do so now!! To give you just a small sample of the action, we've invited that Halfling extraordinaire, Puggy Baconbreath to select a couple of his favourite moments from the round!

SNS - Brought to you by the House of Axebreaker

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New From Axebreaker Studios

The House of Axebreaker, in conjunction with Axebreaker Studios, is pleased to announce the release of our latest film - The Lost Games

Based on the True Story of a hard-working Lizardman team's struggle in the dangerous and often treacherous world of Blood Bowl. Enjoy the Highs. Weep at the Lows - a Must See Film.


Monday, October 17, 2011

New Champions

Congratulations to Supercoach and the Sporting Ancestors.


FNF VI - The Sledging Has Begun