After three fun-filled rounds - Saturday Night Stunties has concluded the regular the season and now moves on to the final contest for the (slightly) prestigious 'Speccy' McGroan Cup.
Two Goblin teams - The Lowdown Ladz and the Brusier Boyz have emerged undefeated and will fight it out for the Stunty crown!
This week former Chaos All-Stars player - Zip the Snoting* is with us to present some highlights from all the great Stunty action available on Cabalvision.

*Did You Know: Zip the Snotling once consented to be sewn inside a football by the Chaos All-Stars for a vital play-off match against the Vynheim Valkyries. At an opportune moment Zip was hurled down the field. He pushed his legs free and scampered into the End Zone. Sadly the Touchdown was disallowed, it being ruled that a player must be holding the football, rather than being held in it, to score a touchdown!
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