Current Standings
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Prince Charming vs the Wolf
Monday, May 30, 2011
The Teams of FNF V

Two Winning Streaks at an End!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Zeke's Spotlight

Monday, May 23, 2011
More from Axebreaker Studios

Third time lucky for the elves against Walt's Warriors
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Teams of FNF V

Vipers Make It Three In A Row

Friday, May 20, 2011
The Lords of Misrule 2 - Orca Cola Killers 0
One of these injuries was caused by a hit from Killers #03 Blitzer, Azhar, who blitzed the newly signed chaos warrior #12 Typhus Souleater and fractured his arm, crushing his armour like it was made of paper. It was alleged by officials from the Lords camp that Azhar had been seen drinking a strength potion, and this was proven when replays following the game showed him drinking not 1 but 3 strength potions to give him that edge he was seeking. Managing to come back from these losses the Lords ground the ball slowly upfield crossing late in the first half to take the 1-0 lead.
The second half saw Azhar come out frothing at the mouth leading his team upfield when they received the kick, first killing Lords #05 Bryn'gor the Vile who fortunately was resurrected at the price of his soul by the team apothecary. And then clubbing #11 Grim'gor the Reaver senseless injuring him enough to force him to miss the remainder of the match. These losses nearly saw the Lords defensive wall crumble but the suicidal blitzes of its players into the Orc cage saw Azhar who had been passed the ball brought down and the ball rolled to the feet of Lords #05 Kurgan Bloodhowl.
Scooping up the ball, Kurgan screamed for Lords #10 Sar'Gor Hammerfist to get downfield before winding back with the ball and launching it downfield in a perfect spiral pass deep down field to the shock of everyone on the field including Sar'Gor who instead of moving upfield and maintaining the gap between himself and the Killers' players simply stood there dumbstruck at the beautiful pass from Kurgan. Seizing this opportunity Azhar charged upfield and knocked Sar'Gor off his feet but the bounce of the ball didn't favour him as it fell just out of reach as the supporting Lords players reached Azhar barging him over and running it into the endzone to seal the win.
Coach Maddenson spoke after the match about Kurgan's pass and how this single action took what would more than likely have been a draw and turned it on its head. "That crazy S.O.B. never ceases to surprise me, next thing you know he's going to try and dodge past the enemy like a damned elf". Maddenson also addressed the allegations of Killers #03, Azhar, and the doping allegations. "Why not?, of course I'm going to complain if I think I can have an opposition player miss the game but if he was on my team after a performance like that I'd pump that maniac so full of strength potions his biceps would have biceps". "Here's hoping we don't have to face that lunatic again as he nearly singlehandedly won the game for his team".
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Zeke's Spotlight

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Coach Nestyr Going AWOL
His better half has recovered sufficiently to be able to travel, so he is packing up, and taking her up North for three weeks, for some fun and sun.
Never fear, however, as Coach has brought in a ringer for the next three rounds - experienced all-round Coach, Drakeular.
Drakeular has kindly offered to take over the team during Nestyr's absenc, at the low, low price of Nestyr's first-four born (so basically, he's doing it for nothing, heh-heh-heh...).
Of course, the lynchpin of this offer is that Nestyr is supposed to face off against Drakeular in round four, which I suspect is part of some cunning plan of Drakeular's devising. To help remove this issue, Nestyr is looking for someone to coach the team in round four - I'm looking, hopefully, at you, Givo. I'll even offer you my fifth born (hey, it worked once!).
Once Nestyr has returned from the Choas Wastes to the North, he will resume his coaching duties.
Thankyou for your attention.
Jeff B
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Lords of Misrule defeat Vile Vilots 2-1
The Lords pressed the change in fortune driving the ball up the left field that was capped with the Wight #03, Dandilion, being driven off the field and beaten sensless by the crowd. While no permanent damage was done, Dandilion couldn't return as an overzealous dwarf fan stole his skull and used it as a stein for the remainder of the game, authorities confirm that his head has since been recovered, as well as the head of the dwarf that took it. The Lords capped this drive off with a touchdown to finish the half.
The second half was dominated by knockouts and further injuries to both teams but what ever depraved and desperate sacrifices were made during half time worked with the Lords sealing the win with a final touchdown in the second half following a desperate defence by the Vilots to recover the ball went unsuccessful. Coach Maddenson congratulated the Vilots on a hard fought match and most journalists agreed with him awarding the match a 19/20 rating calling it one of the games of the round.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Teams of FNF V

Vipers Defeat Lightnin

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Zeke's Spotlight

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
One Funny Stat in the Hall of Fame...
My Halflings have not one, not two, but three players in the top ten throwers after round one, including the Treeman, Branch Pinebranch, in the number one spot (presumably for passing 'flings around the park?!?) :-).
Now, while this does tickle my funny bone, there is another list which I don't find funny at all: Survivors.
I have 13 Halflings on my team, with stats of 5, 2, 3, 6, and Stunty. All of these little buggers are still alive after the first match. Not one of these guys made it into the Survivors list. I could understand this if they had been displaced by Snotlings, but it does not appear any of them made the list, either.
Here's the proof:

Walt's Warriors defeat the Keen Knives
As soon as Snow Tacklebeard, and White Murphey lead their team onto the pitch, Prince charming went off the reservation, madly pushing the first High elf he could see in a frenzy, but tripping over himself in the process. This was followed by Snows failure to pick up the ball.
The keen knives, were in fact quiet keen to take the advantage, and went for the ball, a few rounds of tussle found the Elves in possession, but not for long. Remembering that they were creatures of legend, or at least children stories, the Dwarves surrounded the elves and began to pummel them to the ground, putting 4 of them out of commission and coming out with the ball in the hands of Snow Tacklebeard, who took the rest of the half to run the length of the field surrounded by 4 of those famous 7, while the other 3 continue to beat upon the elves.
With only 7 players going into the second half, the Keen Knives had a tough battle ahead of them, there team re-rolls gone after the first pass, and half a pitch to cover to the touch down line. Alas their luck had truly run out, if it had ever been there in the first place, as several blocks against the dwarves resulted in elfs hitting the ground instead. Another outmatched tussle, and the ball became once again the property of Snow Tacklebeard, who gathered his honor guard around him, while the elves struggled to respond, but were not agile enough to get past the stumpy legs of the dwarf blockers. When the elves began to refuse to stand up, one of the dwarfs, most likely grumpy decided a few well placed kicks would get them to stand, although the result was quiet the opposite.
A second touchdown by Snow, and what was left of the elves formed up for a final play with no chance of reaching the end zone in time. All that was left was to make a play with the ball, and see if they could win back some of there pride. But Gris (Grumpy) McGraw would not let sleeping elves fly, and snatched the ball mid-flight in the elves last play of the night.
A truly one sided match, with lady luck siding with the little guys, not even using a single team re-roll in the second half. While by comparison the Keen Knives failed almost half their dodges, and a quarter of their blocks resulted in turnovers.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Kislev Crushers Narrowly Defeat McMmm!
Even though Halflings were going down left, right and center, they always looked to be in the contest.
It took over six turns for the Humans to score their first touchdown, and only a touch of bad luck stopped the Mooters scoring the equaliser close to the end of the half, with a rookie Halfling being hurled down the field, with the ball, ending up in a Humie's tackle zone. The lone Halfling only needed to Dodge out, and walk to the end zone. Alas, the tricksy human tripped the stout fellow up (rolling a 2, then a 2, for the Dodge, sending him off the field, KO'ed).
The biggest shock for the 'Flings was the death of their rookie Treeman, who was cruelly hit by the Human's ugly, foul, and disgusting Ogre. Reports have it that it was not the hit which did him in, but the odour of the fell beast, which clogged up the sapling's ability to expel oxygen, forcing him to finally burst open due to internal pressures...
The Humans put on another (lucky, if you ask me) touchdown in the second half, despite some truly aggresive defence from the 'Flings.
The Mooters finally posted a TD late in the second half, when another 'Fling was hurled down the field, stayed on his feet, and ran the extra distance to score.
The replay is available on freeview, through Cabalvision's subsidiary, Blood Bowl League Manager.
Coach Beldenox was heard to say that he was worried through the entire game, ands was afraid for his team on every drive, with the Halfings seeming to be the unstoppable killing machines he had heard they were (citation needed - may not be actual words spoken, thought, or even existing outside of coach Nestyr's head...).
So the Mooters look like the team to beat this season (in more ways than one... - Ed.).
They look forward to the next round, when they face some long dead Khemri thingys. If they're long dead, the Mooters should have no problems running rings around them, right? Right?!? Why is everyone looking at me funny???
Coach Nestyr
(Note, the opinions of coach Nestyr do not represent the opinions of any other member of the FNF blog... - Ed.)
P.S. In all seriousness, Beldenox played his usual fine game. However, if a couple of the dice rolls had gone the other way, it might have been a different story for the 'Flings. If they continue to perform as well as they did in this game, once they get some skills, I think I might even win a couple of games... maybe... Perhaps it was because I forgot to pay tribute to Nuffle before the game... :-)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Teams of FNF V
Each week of the season we will be publishing a fabulous poster of one of the teams of this season's competition. We begin with ...The Pestilence Bay Rotters. This magnificent print features the Rotters standing (at their own insistence) in the putrid "waters" along the shoreline of Pestilence Bay itself.

Vipers Off to a Great Start

The violence of the first half left the Rotters very short of players - with two Injured and two refusing to return from being KO'd. The Kick-Off just made a bad situation worse as the Vipers re-set themselves in a Perfect Defence and a short kick placed the ball right on the Line of Scrimmage. After both sides traded blows around the ball, it was the nibble hands of Acalan #9 that seized the ball and he bolted into End Zone with that uncanny Skink speed.
The restart saw saw more bad luck for the Rotters as Tra'mulgor struggled to pick-up the ball. By the time he got it off the ground the Vipers' defenders were converging fast. Yet even worse awaited the Nurgle squad as series of big hits killed one and badly hurt another Rotter. The Rotters attempts to advance the ball for the equaliser was smothered by a wall of Saurus and the final siren sounded before the ball could be carried much past the half way line.
Thanks to Blair for a good game and better luck for the rest of the season!
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Lords of Misrule Steal The Win!!!
The match was held in the newly created Slaughterbowl Stadium in Altdorf to a crowd of 18,000 under perfect weather conditions. The Lords won the toss and elected to receive opening the first half with a brutal running game capped off with the death of #06 of the Plagues, Crash Verminhead, at the hands of #05 of the Lords, Bryn'gor the Vile. Khorne would be denied a skull however with the skaven apothecary selling poor Crash's soul to the dark powers in exchange for a second chance at life. The same drive saw #10 Surly Stripper taken to the sheds after being pushed into the crowd where they took turns beating the sorry Skaven until his ribs were shattered. #02 of the Lords, Mul'gor the Damned finished the drive crossing the line for the first touchdown of the day.
The Lords had dominated the first twenty minutes of the match but the next forty belonged all to the Black Plagues. #01 of the Plagues, Stunty Strongarm, the team's thrower put in a flawless effort passing for two touchdowns to #03 The Pied Piper and in the second half #07 Slash Verminhead. These forty minutes was pure skaven football with blistering runs and passes up the field highlighted by well placed blocks and dodges from the Black Plagues players. During their second touchdown scoring drive the Plagues lost another player #12 Eddie Elfslapper when the Chaos Warrior (#07), Kurgan Bloodroar, picked him up and threw him at Slash Verminhead in frustration as he raced pass Kurgan for a touchdown. Little did Kurgan know but this act of spite would mark the first part of the Lords comeback.
With only twenty minutes left on the clock the Lords received the ball and began a barnstorming run up the left side of the field knocking over anyone unfortunate enough to get in their way including a referee, an overzealous cheerleader doing a cartwheel onto the pitch and most tragic of all, little Timmy Johnson of the Wish upon a Star charity when #01 Tyr'gor Skullflayer crossed into the endzone and spiked the ball through a beaming Timmy who was holding out an autograph book to the celebrating beastman.
Khorne must have enjoyed the appearance of Timmy's skull on his throne for on the Plague's opening play their Stunty Strongarm went to throw the ball for what many commentators agree would have been a guaranteed touchdown only to watch the ball fumble out of his hands in horror and in front of the feet of none other than Kurgan Bloodhowl himself. A beaming Kurgan scooped up the ball as his lead blockers smashed Stunty off his feet while he still stared at Kurgan in shock.
What happened next in the dying seconds of the match will be guaranteed to appear on the highlight reels of the ESP Network this week. Bellowing for #06, Kry'gor Shadowpelt to get upfield, Kurgan drove the ball ahead with some excellent blocking by his supporting players. A desperate Pied Piper chased down Kry'gor Shadowpelt only to be knocked down in a sickening block by Mul'gor the Damned clearing the way for Kurgan to run up and hand off the ball to Kry'gor who ran it in for the winning touchdown as the siren blew.
Coach Maddenson congratulated his #06 for getting both the winning touchdown and being named the MVP of the Lords. He also tipped his hat to the coach of the Plagues who crossed the field and congratulated him on the win. "Well at the end of the day neither team wanted a draw and we were lucky to get the win" stated Maddenson, "Full credit to the Plagues for making us fight tooth and nail until the final whistle, they were a class act and that was how Blood Bowl should be played".
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
More from the House of Axebreaker

Season V Blog Update
In preparation for this most monumental season of bone crushing delight, the FNF Blog has had a few updates.
- There is now an Archive section which holds the records for seasons past, as well as those much coverted Player Awards.
- Zens Ladder and the All Matches Details are still there, but are for the Season V teams.
- The Player List is up to date, though missing a few phone numbers ... don't worry only fellow FNF coaches can veiw these details.
- And all but one coach is setup as a contributor for the blog.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
New From the House of Axebreaker
This magnificent image is a limited edition print and is a must for any fan of the game. It would also make the ideal Mother's Day gift for all those mums who love the game, have an interest in herpetology or are connoisseurs of ritual blood sacrifice architecture.