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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kislev Crushers Narrowly Defeat McMmm!

In what was always going to be a closely contested game, McMurty's Mighty Mooters have gone down to the Kislev Crushers in a very close 2-1 defeat.

Even though Halflings were going down left, right and center, they always looked to be in the contest.

It took over six turns for the Humans to score their first touchdown, and only a touch of bad luck stopped the Mooters scoring the equaliser close to the end of the half, with a rookie Halfling being hurled down the field, with the ball, ending up in a Humie's tackle zone. The lone Halfling only needed to Dodge out, and walk to the end zone. Alas, the tricksy human tripped the stout fellow up (rolling a 2, then a 2, for the Dodge, sending him off the field, KO'ed).

The biggest shock for the 'Flings was the death of their rookie Treeman, who was cruelly hit by the Human's ugly, foul, and disgusting Ogre. Reports have it that it was not the hit which did him in, but the odour of the fell beast, which clogged up the sapling's ability to expel oxygen, forcing him to finally burst open due to internal pressures...

The Humans put on another (lucky, if you ask me) touchdown in the second half, despite some truly aggresive defence from the 'Flings.

The Mooters finally posted a TD late in the second half, when another 'Fling was hurled down the field, stayed on his feet, and ran the extra distance to score.

The replay is available on freeview, through Cabalvision's subsidiary, Blood Bowl League Manager.

Coach Beldenox was heard to say that he was worried through the entire game, ands was afraid for his team on every drive, with the Halfings seeming to be the unstoppable killing machines he had heard they were (citation needed - may not be actual words spoken, thought, or even existing outside of coach Nestyr's head...).

So the Mooters look like the team to beat this season (in more ways than one... - Ed.).

They look forward to the next round, when they face some long dead Khemri thingys. If they're long dead, the Mooters should have no problems running rings around them, right? Right?!? Why is everyone looking at me funny???


Coach Nestyr
(Note, the opinions of coach Nestyr do not represent the opinions of any other member of the FNF blog... - Ed.)

P.S. In all seriousness, Beldenox played his usual fine game. However, if a couple of the dice rolls had gone the other way, it might have been a different story for the 'Flings. If they continue to perform as well as they did in this game, once they get some skills, I think I might even win a couple of games... maybe... Perhaps it was because I forgot to pay tribute to Nuffle before the game... :-)

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