Current Standings

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Magic and Minotuars and Mirrors = bad news for prince charming

The stadium was packed last Friday night to see the debut match of the Magic Mirror whose glamourous profile added to the already large crowds of the dwaven matches.

The Lords of Misrule kicked deep to Walts Warriors forcing Snow tacklebeard to run to the very back corner of the pitch to retrieve the ball. However as soon as he gasped the leather bound target, The chaos mage hired for the match blasted him down with a thunderous lightning bolt. Spectators and players alike dove for cover as the chaos bolt rebounded about the stadium, until it finally grounded itelf into the Magic Mirrors great iron wheel. Unperturbed the Magic Mirror continued to roll around the middle of the field in pursuit of beastmen and chaos warriors alike, barely noticing that loose bits of armour, and the occasional wristwatch would now stick to the electromagnetically charged wheel.

It seemed now that chaos warriors could not escape the massive iron contraption, dodge as they might, there heavy armour pulled them towards the machine, and soon the KO box was full of chaos players, while Walts warriors pushed forward despite some disruptive plays by beastmen to score a hard fought touchdown on round 8.

The ref in his wisdom decided that deathrollers probably shouldn't be allowed on the field, much less magnetically charged deathrollers, and sent the Magic mirror to the sidelines where it collected many more wristwatches from the crowd.

Unfortunately for Coach Ragnarok, this was right in front of his observation booth, and the cabal vision equipment used to view and coach the Lords of Misrule went haywire. Though all but one chaos player rose from the bench to play ball, without leadership they were lost, and stood around while the Dwarves declared a blitz action.

The whistle blew only minutes into the second half, and the crowd was as confused as the players. It seemed that an obscure by law prohibited a game from being played should either coach be unable to view the match. In such an event, the game would have to be replayed from start to finish.

Though put out from the loss of a good first half, the dwarves agreed to re-start. And though getting late, almost past these fairy tale creatures bed time, the game re-commenced. This time the lords of misrule with a Minotaur, much to the grumblings of the dwarves on the front line.

This time the Lords received, and wasted no time running in a touchdown. The dwarves Star Snow Tackle beard pinching a nerve in the attempt to stop them. The ref remembering from last time, sent the Magic Mirror off the field before the next kick. And suddenly it was a very different ball game. Out numbered, without their star player, and facing a minotaur without the aid of their deathroller, the dwarves seemed unable to do a thing right. It was only turn 4, and 6 re-rolls had been used. Bad news for the dwarves who needed those re-rolls to perform the simplest of tasks, good news for the Chaos who didn't require any re-rolls to score a second touchdown over the dead bodies of Dwarven Blitzer Doc, and Trollslayer Prince Charming. The dwarven Appothacary saved Doc from death, but left him with a nasty limp. Prince Charming however was not so lucky. His funeral was held just yesterday. Princesses around the world sent telegrams apologising for not attending as they were still waiting to be rescued by the prince.

The second half saw a much smaller band of dwarves on the pitch, and still even the simple things eluded them. Gris Grumpy McGraw when the pressure was on failed a critical go for it with a re-roll to blitz the ball carrier. And though the ball carrier was unable to move from the spot. Gris stood the following round to blitz him again, and spectacularly failed the go for it again, chewing up another re-roll.

One got the sense that the chaos was taking it easy on these fairy tale creatures in the second half, only scoring a single touchdown to end the match 3-0

With such an abysmal display of dwarven clumsiness, and injury or death to 3 crucial players, Walt's Warriors has lost some of their endorsements. Rumour has it that the Dwarven coffers only received 10,000GP for the match, barely enough to keep the team in ale for the week, especially with the amount of drinking they'll be doing.

Meanwhile the Lords of Misrule look to be unstoppable, taking their rightful place in the top four, only a single championship point from the Tlaxlan Vipers at the top of the ladder.

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