Current Standings

Monday, January 3, 2011

Match Report - Twicksters vs Necropeds

The crowd was promised a spectacle of blood splattered elves face down on the pitch while their companions ran circles around the slow shambling undead. Boy was the crowd disappointed. The undead displayed the speed and agility normally only seen in elf teams. Perhaps they were elves in a former...  ahh, death? Whilst the Elves showed a knack for smashing the ball carrier down only a regular occasion.

The elves kicked to a waiting undead goul, who failed to pick up the ball. Capatalizing on this the elves ran in to take possession, but it still took the elves until turn 4 to get over the line, ghouls and wights marking and blitzing well. A second kick saw the ghoul pick up the ball but not for long. good play by both teams prevented either team from scoring until the end of the first half.

The second half saw the elves recieving. A touch back to the elven blitzer and what should have been an easy run down the sideline to the end zone. However, soon the ball was bouncing around the field between players in what was fast becoming a brawl with all eyes upon it. The ball finally popped out with an elven lineman who made a run for it. The undead coach must not have been watching, because the elf made his way unchallenged to the end zone.

Turn 12 saw a desperate undead team loosing 2-0 and only 5 turns to score twice to get out of the hole. Could they do it? A ghoul picked up the ball and held back daring the elves to come get him. Sure enough the two elven blitzers beat the defending line and surrounded the ghoul. but the ghoul literally ran circles around them, passed the ball to another ghoul, who handed off to a wight who pushed twice for the touchdown in a display of outstanding football.

Turn 14 and the elves receiving, surely they would make a break for touchdown number 3 and put the undead out of their misery. but wait. with the elven scrimmage line yet to make their push, the ball slipped out of elven hands to lie instead at their feat. Snatching the ball from under them, the undead ghoul, charged down the pitch, hoping against hope that he would score the equalising touchdown before the clock ran out. An elven blitzer tried to break his team mates free to put the largley undefended ghoul on his back once and for all, but determined zombie flesh was too much for him.

It was then that the heart went out of the elven defense, and the final round saw no elves standing. The elven catcher, the only one fast enough to reach the ball stood wearily, but zombie hands pulled him back to the ground as he attempted to dodge, allowing the ghoul to saunter across the line just before the whistle blew.

Once again the Undead has left the field with a draw, and the disappointed Pro Elf team thankful mainly that they left the field at all, their newly hired apothecary yet to apply his skills.


  1. Nice commentary mate, I could not have put it any more succinctly, except I think Nuffle played games with both of us at times!

  2. I must admit luck was definately against you for the first half of the match, only to turn on me just when I thought I had the game wrapped up.

    Nuffle was messing with us both.


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