Current Standings

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kreepy Krawlies v Cauldron Keepers

Well and insipid match between the Cauldron Keepers and the KK coached by KK. A 2-0 result to KK with 2 second half touchdowns were the skill highlight. A cracking break pass and long run by the elves on T8 for a trip over the line on a sprint provided most of the comedy, as well as Nestyr forgetting about the 2min clock and his general failure to roll better than a push. My favourite was double skull rerolled to double block by a unskilled lineman against a wight blocker. 2-0 start for the KK has them groaning along. The AG elves need some luck to get their campaign back on track.

F*&king French BB Ruination

I can't take it any more. Just for a bit of fun I took Morphere and his ratties for a run in the Auld World League. A charming French Dwarf accepted my challenge and wish me Bon Chance . . . whatever. He played like we were in the trences in flanders 1916, happy not to move as long as he kept the ball, so much so that after ko'ing no less than 6 players in the first half he stalled on my line until the final turn . . . . 2 turns of waiting. I F*&KING HATE THAT CRAP. After recieving in the second half i took 1 turn and a Morphere sprint to even it up. Surprisingly he then set up shop and boxed his way to the end zone. I was left with only 3 players in quick time. and he still crawled forward with a box ..... and scored last turn. Now I know winning is what counts but F*&K me it bores me to death. Morphere is still awesome (last player standing and almost got the ball back) but he is being put away in case a Frenchie bores him to death.

Toxic Turncoats Thumped

The Norsecan Raiders turned up for a punchup and succeeded against the Toxic Turncoats causing a number of Cas and KO's.
The Raiders received and scored late in the first half.
The Second Half started with a shallow kick landing on the Line of Scrimmage and with a few well aimed hits the ball ended up in the Raiders possession.
With numbers down and slow players the Turncoats just couldn't get the ball back.
The Raiders just failed in scoring a second TD on the last turn of the game.
Well player Qman with a 1 - 0 win.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Undead Rising and Falling

A rattling start to KK's return to FNF's with the Kreepy Krawlies belting the Harlem Graverotters in one of the key undead battles. The Undead really seem to have an advantage over the Necro team as a starter in speed and strength. I must point out that Supercoach rolls like Toldorn and belts his own players about like he can grow new ones. Its nice to have 2 big guys who are not boneheads. Bring on the rest of the league.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Match Report - Twicksters vs Hippies

It was a fine start to an elf heavy league, with Twicksters All Star Elves matched against the Dancing Hippies.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All the plays and stats for Season IV are online

Hey Guys,

At Zen's request I've linked up the individual match details to the blog. So now you can view not only the leaderboard with each teams season totals, but the details of each and every match they've played.

I think we'd all like to thank Zen for his tireless efforts compiling and maintaining this data, and presenting it so well.

The Biff O'Meter has also been updated to keep a record of this seasons brutality. Led for the moment by the Nancy Boy Phoenix Flyers, showing that even the noble born high elves are capable of playing dirty.