Current Standings

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All the plays and stats for Season IV are online

Hey Guys,

At Zen's request I've linked up the individual match details to the blog. So now you can view not only the leaderboard with each teams season totals, but the details of each and every match they've played.

I think we'd all like to thank Zen for his tireless efforts compiling and maintaining this data, and presenting it so well.

The Biff O'Meter has also been updated to keep a record of this seasons brutality. Led for the moment by the Nancy Boy Phoenix Flyers, showing that even the noble born high elves are capable of playing dirty.


  1. Love the Biff O'Metter and other Zen statistical pages.
    Awesome effort that.
    The Toxic Turncoats have set a new level for the Biff for other teams to aspire too.

  2. "The Toxic Turncoats have set a new level for the Biff for other teams to aspire too"

    Hmmm... no kills, no casualties - very aspirational :)



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