Current Standings

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Doctor's First Draw!!!!

That's right folks!
Bob is just stunned!
The Apothecary's stole the victory away from the undead in the last turn of the game!
In what was literally a punch up for the entire first half, The Necroped's moved the ball all the way and it wasn't until their turn 8 before they finally regathered the ball and scored!!
Go the Nurses who successfully managed to Blitz the Ghouls and the Wights over and over to disrupt what was a beautiful day for a Bloodbowl game!
As the ghouls went down the clouds rolled in and sure enough as soon as the Necropeds finally scored, the Heaven's opened up and down came the pouring rain.
As if picking up the damn ball wasn't hard enough!!!!
All was looking grim for the Apothecary's as the dugout filled with water at half time and they contemplated how to pick up the ball and get to the in-zone.
A wayward kickoff however was the best possible result as the ball sailed out and was handed to a Nurse as a result of a touch back!
Well the punch up began again in Ernest and the Apothecaries managed to get the ball into the Necropeds half.
A successful blitz saw the ball scattered and with only 3 turns left on the clock, it took the last re roll to regather the ball and get to 2 sq from the in zone.
Another succesful Blitz knocked it out and all looked lost. In the last turn a Nurse jumped up, dodged out of a tackle zone from a Mummy and Blitzed a Wight back. The doctor chipped in and knocked down the other Wight leaving a nurse to get up pick up the ball and push it into the in zone!
Whilst not a win it was the next best thing!
Still no skills, not even a Sure Hands amongst them but we persevere!


  1. The Necropeds are certainly the masters of the tied game, 3 draws from 3 matches.

  2. Yes it is becoming a bit disturbing. I can look positively and say, you cannot beat me, or negatively and say I will not lock out the game! Well I guess the High Elves will discover which it is next week... hopefully with most of them in the dug out :)

  3. Well my turn to take on the high elves ended in... wait for it... A draw!

    I'd go with the Undefeated outlook.

  4. Ahh undead!
    We look forward to watching you trip over your feet (before they pop off) as you dawdle down the field!
    The Phoenix Flyers will teach you the true art of Bloodbowl next week!
    ...As a side note does any team have a spare Apothocary or two for me to help out with next weeks game?


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