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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sick of powergamers

I am soooo sick of powergamers in the digital version. I am certain they are pimpled little teens that cannot afford to play WOW so need to try something else.

Dwarf teams with guard/MB/piling on across the paddock, chaos with MB / Claw. It has totally wrecked my efforts to enjoy the matchmaking. I get a team of elves or such going, and you run into one of these teams who dont talk to you, even when you can them really bad things! (I wont repeat some of the provocative dialogue I have conveyed) I have actually ALT F4 on occassions when I have logged on for a fun game to get these sort of teams. It really really really pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously think they need to not allow minors to play or people who have a whole team list of these teams. They have no skill just cookie cutter builds.

And it really can destroy the lighter armor teams with players with more ability. I have just deleted teams who get so knocked around by no brain teams it just sucks...


  1. That's why we have private leagues, so we can avoid these sorts of things... :-)

    If you're going to play in MM, these things are going to happen. It's an unfortunate fact that these particular skills work well with these teams, and people are more likely to take them than any others...

    What are the alternatives?

    Set up your own MM, with restrictions on what races can be chosen, perhaps (is this even possible?)?

    Indicate your displeasure at facing such an opponent, and foul, foul, foul??? :-) This has the added bonus that, if your player gets sent off for fouling, he can't then be targetted by the monstrosities he is facing...

    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em - create your own monstrosity team, specifically for use in MM, and give 'em a taste of their own medicine (mind you, they'll probably D/C the moment they take an injury...)? :-)

    Also, if they have no playing skills, then you should be able to run rings around them!


  2. MM has been a steady decline since the last patch that allowed players to set up their own private MM leagues.

    People who feel much as the same as you do(and I'm right with you on this) have set up their own MM leagues. The largest one I've heard of is the Forum Online League. Its an open league, MM only(ie no invite/challenges) Apparently players who do such things as habitually disconnect are booted out of the League (not sure how that works.) I don't have a team in it, but I believe there are something like 900 teams in that League.

    As a result, a much higher percentage of the players who are still on the 'standard' MM are the power-gamers who have been excluded or don't dare to try to join such leagues.

    Unfortunately, most of the members of such leagues are, I suspect, bound to be the US or Europe - and thus not a lot will be on-line at the same as as us. There is an Australian league that Qman posted about a few weeks ago and is discussed on the AUSBOWL forums.


  3. Yeah I have put a team in the Australian open, but not too much is happening there which is a shame.

  4. We should set up a private MM league with everyone here as admin. That would be a good kick-off to being Oz driven..

  5. I'm kinda glad I don't have time to get more than one game of Blood Bowl in a week. Saves me facing the frustration of the open leagues.

    Sounds like everyone should join up with the Australian Open, and spread the word to other players who are not cookie cutters.

    Insidently, what a great blood bowl novelty item. Blood Bowl cookie cutters, comes in 2 sizes: Guard Mighty Blow Piling on Dwarf, and Claw Mighty Blow Chaos.


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