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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Prince Charming vs the Wolf

It sounds like a fairy tale, and thats not far from the truth. Snow, White, and their Band of dwarves set out against the forces of evil, those rotting muppets, with a Hi Ho, Hi Ho, and a skip in their step.

The ball was kicked, and was in the hands of White before you could say "Read me a story Papa!"
White tore up the sideline with with a small group of guards, while the rest of the dwarves pounced upon zombies, werewolves, and flesh golems with gay abandon.

Alas, one of the wolves broke free and showing his dastardly character knocked White to the ground, the ball spilling, luckily for Walt's Warriors between a group of Dwarves. Snow then picked the ball up, and the Dwarves continued there drive towards the end zone, keeping a close eye on the wolves, and managing a touchdown on Turn 8.

In to the Second half, and it was the Rotting Muppets time to drive, A full team entered the field after several being woken once again from the dead by their skilled necromancer.

The kick went up, and the dwarves blitzed against the the offense, taking the opportunity to mark as best they could those key players, the werewolves. The Muppets pushed against the dwarven defense, but it would hardly budge, until finally a break away down one flank seemed possible. But the dwarven defense was too strong, and the wight with the ball could not get through.

Soon the wight was down and the ball free, able to be picked up by White. But like the protagonist in a story, The Muppets Star Wolf was there to get get in the way, and ruin every ones fun.

Enter prince charming, who until this point had played a very quiet game. He charged valiantly as princes are known to do, Saving White from the clutches of the big bad wolf. and killing the wolf in one swift blow. It was here that the fight went out of the Muppets players and coach alike. Prince charming escorted White across the line, and the day was won.

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