Current Standings

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Walt's Warriors vs Maxwells Golden Hammers

Anticipation was high for two of this seasons big hitting teams faced off. Weather reports indicated extreme heat, and the Norse side not used to such conditions chipped in there own hard earned cash for some bloodwiser babes to keep them refreshed.

Sure enough, the heat was on in more ways than one as the Norse took receivership of the ball, and began to smack the dwarves all over the pitch, along with a couple off the pitch. At quarter time the ball was in scoring range for the Norse side, but for Dwarven Runner White McMurphey, finally showing his worth, blitzed the carrier down and took the ball himself. It was a short lived victory however as the Norse pounced on him sending the ball scattering and back into the hands of the the Northmen.

Whites moves had bought enough time for the 2 dwarven blitzers Doc and Bashful to fall back and get into the mix. Again the Norse ball carrier went down, and the ball came loose. Norse players seemed to be everywhere, but this time they though the path was relatively clear, they couldn't pick up the ball.
The two Blitzers worked well together, Bashful chain pushing the Norse players to free up the ball, and Doc grabbing the ball and running his little legs off to get it clear of the touchdown line.

The Norse of course gave chase, and though they sent Doc to the ground hard enough to stun him for the rest of the half, the ball bounced out of reach, and the Dwarves managed to hold the score at nil all at half time.

After such an exhausting half, the heat began to take it's toll on the Norse side, nearly half the players too hot to return to the match. A few dwarf players decided to stay in air conditioned comfort too, but most came out to do battle with their secret weapon, the Magic Mirror.

Not much can be said for the second half, except that it was not good to be a Norse player. Snow Tacklebeard expertly placed himself under the high kick, and started his run with 4 guards surrounding him. Magic Mirror took on most of the scrimmage line by himself with his multiple block, and the rest of the dwarves ran around looking for Norse players to hit.

The Norse put a bit of pressure on Whites cage for a few rounds. The remaining Norse werewolf got pushed into the crowd who in a frenzy crushed the life out of him, later to be revived by the teams apothecary, then a few Norse Players were KO'ed on the pitch, and the pressure lifted. White moved forward with his honour guard. Magic Mirror began to roll over the few Norse players lying prone on the ground. And the blitzers chased the remaining beserker who though the only Norse player still upright still got surprisingly close to the ball.

A hush fell over the crowd as White neared the touchdown line. Something never before seen in this league had occurred. Not a single Norse player was left on the field, and the Dwarves still had plenty of time on the clock. Snow gathered his brave little men around him to congratulate them on a match well played before stepping over the touchdown line.

The Ref's too were shocked at the absence of Norse players. Thinking the Norse had left the stadium due to the heat, and abandoned the match, they called the game a forfeit win to the Dwarves, even while the Norse coach screamed at his players all passed out in the locker room to wake up.

A great game played by Big-A, who took some terrible luck very well. The first half should have been a touchdown for him but for a failed pickup, or if any one of 3 blitzes of mine had failed, or if the ball had bounced the other way in the final turn. This allowed me to bring on the Deathroller in the second half, which otherwise would have been wasted on a turn 8 Drive.The sweltering heat really did a number on him in the second half, almost assuring me a win.

To add insult to injury in the 16th turn with no chance to score for the Norse, the game lost sync, and the only way to continue was for Big-A to disconnect which lost him his winnings and his MVP. Though he keeps all his injuries from the match. This was discussed, and it was judged not fair to replay the game once it had been convincingly won. Big-A took all this with grace that few blood bowlers could hope to display.

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